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School Counselor

Below you'll find the Schoology Classroom for your Counselor, which you can utilize during Virtual Learning.

TK / 2nd Grade




3rd to 5th Grade

6th to 7th Grade

8th Grade


The purpose of this site is to give parents information on additional distance learning materials and resources pertaining to social/emotional, career and academic learning, not only for students but parents as well.

The intention is not to overwhelm you all with more materials and resources. The most important thing you can do right now is take care of yourself and be with your family. Working from home is going to take us all a while to adjust, which is why we don't want to bombard you all with more information. Nothing on here is required, so feel free to explore as you see fit, and as Mrs. Bush comes across anything that she feels our Tubman Parents will benefit from, she will post it here.  Also, if you come across anything, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Bush so that she can share on here as well. 

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